Response to “The Kite Runner”

I was disgusted when I read that Amir did nothing to help Hassan that day in the alley. I could understand his fear, but I can not understand his lack of action to help his friend. The outcome and the decisions that Amir makes in this story, stem from one character choice not to show affection toward his son. Amir longing for affection did anything he could to win approval from his father. Baba didn’t give it that often, and when he did Amir had to make sacrifices for it. I, like Amir, ached for my father’s attention and love when I was a boy; I acted out, behaved badly, and got into trouble. I understand how Amir felt growing up. But I never did what Amir did in this story. I felt the fear the Amir felt, when Baba stood up to the Russian soldier, and I cried when Baba died. The author tells this story very well, I wonder if this is his story.

Response to The Kite Runner, chapters 19-25

The confrontation in chapter seven between Assef and Hassan in the alley was disturbing and shocking. I was disappointed but not surprised by Amir’s cowardice. However, as I thought about it, Amir has gone through life having other people fight his battles for him, so could I really expect him to stand up to a person like Assef? The answer is no; throughout the rest of the story Amir is haunted by the choices he has made. I was saddened to hear that Hassan was killed, and shocked to find out that Hassan and Amir were brothers. It made me see Baba in a different light; it made me think of him as a Hypocrite. In some sadistic way I was happy that Amir got his “ass” kicked by Assef, he finally took the beating that he should have taken for Hassan in the Alley, It is Ironic how and by whom Assef become one eyed. Amir in my eyes redeemed himself, going to Kabul, risking his life for his nephew, and then stepping up taking responsibility, finally being a man of character and conviction. I thought the ending was a little drawn out, it was a touching ending when Amir ran the kite for Sohrab.